Champagne Distribution Esthétique

Scrubs and masks

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Secrets d'une peau douce et lisse: Les astuces incontournables avec notre Exfoliant aux Canneberges

Secrets to soft, smooth skin: Must-have tips with our Cranberry Scrub

Soft, smooth skin is the dream of many a skincare enthusiast with our Skin Scrub with...
Conseils pour une exfoliation efficace: Comment optimiser les bienfaits de notre Exfoliant aux Canneberges

Tips for effective exfoliation: How to optimize the benefits of our Cranberry Scrub

Tips for effective exfoliation and show you how to maximize the benefits of our exfoliator for radiant skin.
Les secrets d'une exfoliation réussie: Astuces pour optimiser l'utilisation de l'exfoliant aux enzymes

The secrets of successful exfoliation: Tips for optimizing the use of enzyme exfoliant

Exfoliation is an essential step in our skincare routine to reveal radiant, revitalized skin....
10 astuces pour une peau éclatante en hiver

10 tips for glowing skin in winter

Here are 10 simple tips for looking after your skin in winter.
Le duo parfait: Exfoliant aux enzymes et Masque Hydratant Intense d'Eltraderm pour une peau éclatante

The perfect duo: Eltraderm Enzyme Scrub and Intense Moisturizing Mask for radiant skin

To optimize the results of our skincare routine, there's nothing like combining Eltraderm's enzyme exfoliant with...
Comment tirer le meilleur parti de votre exfoliant aux enzymes pour une peau éclatante

How to get the most out of your enzyme scrub for glowing skin

A practical guide with all the tips and secrets for maximizing the benefits of this enzymatic exfoliant and revealing...

Comparison of available Eltraderm exfoliators

This detailed table will enable you to examine the specific characteristics of each exfoliant in greater depth, highlighting their...
Astuce beauté : Maximisez les bienfaits du Masque Hydratant au Concombre avec la Eltraderm Crème Hydratante CE

Beauty tip: Maximize the benefits of Cucumber Moisturizing Mask with Eltraderm Moisturizing Cream CE

Discover how to maximize the benefits of these two Eltraderm products and offer your skin an exceptional skincare experience.
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